Well to say that it has been a crazy few days in the Whitten household would be quite an understatement!
I had surgery last Friday, can't sleep well, can't drive for at least two weeks, and during my 6-week recovery time cannot lift anything over 10 pounds. I can't clean, do laundry, load the dishwasher, wait a minute...those are a few of the benefits of my surgery. At least they are for me but not so much for my husband (hee, hee). But I am happy to say that I am healing very well and starting to get more rest, which is a very good thing. Going on 6 hours of sleep in a 4 day period will do CRAZY things to your emotions!
Speaking of emotions, last night was a big night for our family as we finally got the call from Cori, our adoption counselor from Great Wall around 11 pm. Cori had been searching through the shared list for a "match" for our family and she called David's cell phone with the good news. To be honest I was asleep and when David came running up the stairs with the phone I thought something was wrong. David put Cori on speaker phone and we were told about a precious little 3 year old girl who is waiting to be adopted. This little girl was left on a street corner when she was 3 months old. Not sure why because her special needs are very minor and now we are in the process of finding a Dr. who will look over her file to tell us more. Now that we have her file we only have 72 hours (until Thursday night) to make our decision, so please join us in prayer as we make this very important decision.
David and I prayed over her last night before we even opened her file. We prayed that the Lord would
give us clear direction and unite our family with this decision. We woke the girls up this morning to show
them pictures of what may soon be their little sister (I get chills just typing those words) and they were both excited. Morgan even asked if she could take her picture to school! We are not allowed to do that just yet but it was good to know that both she and McKinley are feeling good about her.
Over the past 5 months God has continually shown Himself to our family in some big and small ways. As we make this decision I trust He will do so again. Keep praying and we will keep you posted!
Welcome to the thoughts I am thinking, the memories I am making, and the lessons I am learning along the way.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Monday, February 6, 2012
We have our LID date!! Hooray! I cannot tell you the excitement I felt this morning
when I opened my email & saw this letter.
Great Wall China Adoption
when I opened my email & saw this letter.
Dear Great Wall Family,
We are happy to report that your dossier was registered in
China on January 31, 2012. The
registration date is also known as the Log in Date or LID.
If we receive any additional information we will contact you
as quickly as possible. In the meantime,
if you need assistance or support, please feel free to give us a call.
The Referral Education Team
Great Wall China Adoption
We are one step closer to bringing our child home from China! We should start
getting files to look at any day now, so I covet your prayers , as we pray over
these children. I know that the Lord will make it clear to us, which child is ours.
Keep checking back!
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Birthday Weekend!!
Yesterday was McKinley's 6TH birthday! I cannot believe that my little girl is 6!
So we celebrated at Pump it up.
I think everyone had a good time.
But, I must say, the best part was that may AMAZING parents got up at 3AM and drove through
the night,(10hrs) to surprise the girls! And they were BOTH super excited to see there Nana & Pawpaw.
Thanks Mom and Dad, for making our weekend.
Happy 6th Birthday McKinley, I am SO glad that the Lord entrusted me to be your mommy!
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