The first week of summer didn't really start off as I had envisioned it. The day after Morgan's mouth surgery I woke up with a killer sore throat which only got worse, so after 2 days I went to the Dr. and was diagnosed with Strep. We had had plans for months to meet my sister & her family at Downtown Disney for dinner on Friday night and since the girls had been cooped up in the house all week and didn't want to disappointment them, we went ahead and went.
Uncle David & Cason |
Chandler & Morgan |
We spent the night at the Hilton, this was our first time staying in a hotel with Madison since being home from China. We really weren't sure how it was going to go but I am happy to report she did really well and slept through the night (she woke up crying once but it didn't last long).
Now let me back up to Thursday when we had our parent/teacher meeting with Madison's VPK teacher. She told us Madison was behind in almost everything, which we really already knew. The teacher said Madison could only count to 13 and that was the only thing that I didn't agree with because she counts to 27 at home, however, she does skip the number 13 for some reason (bad luck I guess). Madison also failed the oral language test which is understandable. I knew that she wouldn't be ready for Kindergarten next year so we are putting her in Jr. K at the same school where Morgan and McKinley go. I am glad they will all be at the same school next year and I'm sure that will Madison adjust as well.
Madison loves to draw, here is a picture she drew the other day:
Now for the tea party. A little back story on this is that each year at the girls school they have a big fundraiser called the spring jubilee. As a part of it, each teacher donates either a gift, their time, or something they have made for parents to bid on. This year a little girl in McKinley's class mom bought the tea party with Mrs. Brightwell. The little girl could pick 6 friends to invite and McKinley was invited to go. The mom even rented a limo to take the girls to the tea party!
To say she was a little excited to ride in a limo was an understatement!
My sister asked her what her favorite part was and she said "getting to ride without a car seat" Ha! She has been asking me a lot lately when she can stop using her car seat:)
So if you are still actually reading this, that pretty much sums up our last few days. I am hoping next week is a little better :).
Hope you all have a great Sunday tomorrow!