OK so it has been a while since I have updated so this post will be a bunch of random things that have been happening. It will probably bore most of you so I will not be offended if you go ahead & back out now.
Last Saturday the girls and I went to a memorial celebration for Tiffany, a sweet 14 year old girl who went to our church. Catrina, her mom is a amazing women & I feel so lucky to know her. After Tiffany's sudden death back in August, Todd & Catrina planted a beautiful garden in their yard as a memorial to Tiffany-
So they had a little celebration for those who knew Tiffany to come and decorate these stones in her honor to be put in her garden, It was a very sweet (and sad) time. McKinley and Tiffany's younger sister, Camille worked on a stone together:
And their finished product looked like this:
Now Tiffany loved 1-Direction, which we all know Morgan is crazy about so when we walked in and they had 1-D posters and music playing Morgan was very happy:)
He was Tiffany's favorite band member!
The girls picking out the stones & things they wanted to use.
Tiffany also had a love for Batman so Morgan & her friend Brittany made this stone:
It was a great day celebrating a wonderful young girl.
In other news, Morgan is doing cross country at school...She survived her first race:
and then later she looked like this:
Bless her heart, she was in her room doing homework & when I went to check that is how I found her:)
I am very proud of Morgan she is stepping out of her comfort zone this year & doing things that is a little scary for her.
And lastly, a friend gave us the Duck Dynasty game and that has been a big hit around here these last 2 Weeks...Everyday McKinley begs us to play, so this is what it looks like around our house every night around 8:)
We have also had a(small) laundry room makeover and Grandparents day at school but this post has already gotten way to long so I will spare you all those details:)
Happy Saturday!