I have been in a funk lately, just a lot going on in life/family/church and basically I withdrew a bit.
I needed to just breath a little and spend some time in prayer. I feel better this week even though the circumstances haven't really changed around me.
Anyway, David officiated another wedding this past weekend over in Clarmont (30 minutes from Orlando). It was kind of out in the middle of no where and as we were driving to the wedding I was thinking "how in the world did they ever find this place" because again, it seemed out in the middle of NO WHERE.
However when we pulled up to the wedding site…OH MY WORD! I cannot even begin to describe how magnificent this place was. It was designed to look like Italy...now I've never been to Italy but I want to go now!
And before I start with all the pictures let me just say I DID NOT bring my camera (SIGH) I was so mad at myself .
It was a huge country club called "Bella Collina" with every amenity you could imagine. There were cobble stone streets and so much detail to everything. Now my children thought that since I didn't bring my camera they were "off the hook" so to speak, but they knew when we pulled in the gates that the battery in my iPhone was about to be sucked bone dry!
We probably walked a good 2 miles just touring the grounds of this massive estate and my kids were whinning everytime I made them stop for a picture (except Madison, she was in a good mood ).
The wedding was beautiful and the bride looked like a princess. Infact, when she and the groom were walking down the isle at the end Madison looked at me and said "mommy, I want to get married"
The views were of a big lake and golf course.
I want to renew my vows just to go back to this place:) I was really sad to leave.
reception tables |
We stayed at a hotel about 15 minutes away and when we arrived to our room, they had gifts awaiting us…So sweet !
So Friday night while David went to the rehersal me and the girls stayed back at the hotel until we could all go to dinner….. a small hotel room and 3 kids…humm, I will let you guess how fun that was for me:)
Oh yes, we got creative! (Madison was behind McKinley you just couldn't see her:) I finally took them all to the work out room and made them get on different machines to burn some energy (except for Madison, she played with the exercise ball). But then I read the sign that said "No children under 18 yrs" and I am a big rule follower so we left.
Anyway, The next day we had to be out of the hotel a few hours before we had to be at the wedding soooo what do you do while you have an hour wait and no where to go….
That's right people..You break out every eletronic you have!
And there you have it, a recap of last weekend. This weekend we are hosting middle school girls in our home for our youth's Uncommon weekend. I'm sure I will have some stories to tell next week.