

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Madison update

It has been a while since I have written an update on Madison & how she is doing. She has started speech therapy Yay! We started at the beginning of the school year with paperwork & all that comes with that and it took the WHOLE year to finally get her approved..SIGH. But they started pulling her out of class once a week the last 2 weeks of school and they will pick back up doing that in August when school starts back. We are also currently in the process of trying to get her language services as well. She has come a long way, but still has some speech & language issues.

Madison LOVES to draw and color, she wil lcolor & draw for hours. She is constantly on the move. The girl just doesn't know how to sit still & be quiet:) Below are two pictures she drew at church on Sunday of her daddy..I believe she may have a future in art.

On most days, Madison does really well. However, every once in a while she will have one of those days & there will be some tantrums like in the beginning. There was a time that I thought she would never snuggle with me or be affectionate but she is always telling me she loves me and she will ask me to snuggle with her...melts my heart.

Some times she will talk about China but always says she never wants to go back and she calls everyone she was around there her "teachers". She talks about Morgan & McKinley being a baby in my tummy and then she will say " I was a baby in China" usually she says that a few times and then moves onto something else, but yesterday we were visiting a church in Tampa ( since David is on sabbatical for the summer) and at the end they had a baby dedication. the whole way out to the car she was talking about the baby & how cute she was. When we left she said "I was a born in China and I didn't have a family, my family was lost" She said " I was all alone" Deep breath...... I immediately had tears! She has never said that before. I think she is beginning to process a little more in her mind & is starting to know how to communicate it to us.

It just made me so sad for her. She is going to have so many questions as she gets older, questions that David & I will never be able to answer. The only thing we know for sure is that she was left on steps in an alleyway. She will never know if she has any siblings in China, what the people look like who gave birth to her. Why she was abandoned? So so many unknowns.

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