

Friday, May 23, 2014

Graduation (2)

Yesterday we got to watch Madison walk across the stage & graduate from preschool. Each milestone she makes is a testament to God of his amazing plan for her life.

Madison did great & ROCKED the stage as always:) . After they sang a few songs they had to say their name in the microphone and say something they loved/thankful for. I must admit I get really nervous when Madison has a microphone to say whatever she has on her mind....We really never know what's going on in that head of hers....So as each child went they were saying things like "the beach" "pizza" "alligators " and then it was Madison's turn and what she said melted my heart!

In that moment all the struggles and challenges that we have endured these last 18 months were ALL WORTH IT!  My little girl at the age of 4 never had a mommy and now that she does it means so much to her. It was truly a moment I will never forget.

I have to say a huge Thank you to Mrs. Knight ;)! Anne teaching her class was totally a GOD thing. I am so very thankful that He knew exactly what & who Madison needed her first year in school. Anne, you are the best! You went above & beyond for her this year and I will be forever grateful.

And tonight, Morgan's 8th grade graduation! Whew

Happy Friday!


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