

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Day 2 of VPK..we had a little "hiccup"

Yesterday when I went to pick up Madison, Her teacher "Mrs. Jenny" was leaving and she stopped & told me Madison had a great day & was a really quick learner. She said she was out on the playground. So as I went out to get her I saw her sitting by another teacher, not playing ,visibly upset.I went out & she was hysterically crying... Evidently her teacher leaves everyday at 4 & she takes the class to another room & that teacher takes them to the play ground to wait on their parents to come...Well Madison wasn't sure what was happening & all she knew was that her teacher left her! I have mentioned before that routine is a VERY big thing for her. Also we explain everything we are going to do for the day to her each morning and that also helps her to feel safe.

The few times in China when our translator wasn't with us & we went out without telling her what was happening she got very upset. She understands a lot of what we are saying but there are still a lot of things she doesn't get. In fact the teacher she was with yesterday when I got there asked me if she understood any English:) So Madison probably didn't understand what she was telling her. I explained to her that Mommy will always come back to get her , even if her teacher has to leave its OK because I will always come back. She said " no school stay home" several times last night:(

We are getting ready to go back to school now & I am praying that she doesn't get upset. So if you are reading this at 1pm say a little prayer for my firecaracker!


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