

Monday, August 27, 2012

Almost through the first night!

Hello everyone!  This is David and currently it is around 3 am. We have almost made it through our first night with Madison.  After bath time we tried to put her in a crib because that's what she slept in at the orphanage, but she didn't want to sleep there.  We might not know Cantonese and she might not know English, but some looks are universal :-).  Nothing bad, but just a preference to sleep on the couch instead (see pics).

Madison went to bed around 8 and has been asleep ever since. Tonight reminds me of when you first bring a newborn home and every time they move or make a noise, you get up to check on them; that's been us with Madison tonight.  I think both she and Melissa were exhausted because they have both slept well tonight, which is another answer to prayer...thanks everyone!

Last night, as I sat on the couch with Madison waiting for her to go to sleep, she would look up at me and smile, close her eyes, and then start peeking as though to see if I was still there.  That went on for about ten minutes before she finally drifted off.  The little bear you see in the picture at the end of the post was given to her by her nanny before we left the Civil Affairs Office.  I'm not sure if she always had the bear or if it was a final gift goodbye, but before Madison went to sleep she leaned over, pulled it right up close to her face and kissed it.  It was a sad and sweet moment all at the same time.  I cannot even imagine what is still going through her little mind, but I hope she realizes that she'll never be left or abandoned again.  I also hope she doesn't wake up upset because she isn't in the same place anymore.  Would you please pray that Madison wakes up happy and has a great day?

Speaking of our day, we will venture upstairs for breakfast at the hotel.  This will be our first trip out alone with Madison since we returned to the hotel yesterday.  Once she calmed down and started to connect with us, we didn't leave the room.  No need to put a damper on such  good progress.  Afterward, we have a couple of official appointments to go to which hopefully will go well.

So, please put that on your prayer list as well, and we will keep you posted.  It has been a whirlwind 24 hours and we are grateful to have you with us on this this journey.  I hear Madison moving around a bit, so I need to look in on her, or stare at her sleeping...they're both the same right?



  1. Oh my goodness she is SO very precious!!! We are praying & will continue to pray for you all & a smooth transition, it looks like God is already answering prayers (not surprising of course!!) love you guys!! Love all the pictures & videos :) thanks for sharing this journey with us all, you are very much loved & appreciated!!

    Jenny Presnell

  2. Wow! I'm so happy to hear such a great report. And yes, this is a great report. She is bonding. And she is communicating, even if it's through body language. This is a good thing. I bet she is going to be excited at the breakfast buffet. I'm anxious to see what she chooses to eat. You guys are doing a great job! And her smile says a whole lot. She's happy. She's content. And she's trusting you. You will be amazed at how quickly she will adjust. There might be some bumps in the road, but from what I can see, things are going in the right direction. I'm so glad she & Melissa were able to sleep. I hope you will find some time to sleep too. But like you said, it's like when you have a newborn, you hear every move and just want to make sure she's okay.
    We are praying for you guys. We can not wait for the next update. Enjoy every precious moment with your daughter!
    P.S. Hope & Maggie have had 2 GREAT days. We are so thankful. Maggie is definitely comfortable with us now. She's making silly faces and dancing around the house. Hope is starting to understand what it means to be part of a family. It's been 3 short weeks and I'm amazed at how much these 2 miracles have changed.

  3. The bear story is sweet and to me it looks like the "love bear!" That many of us from church asve. Very sweet to see her sleep.

  4. Wow...pretty speechless right now. Huge lump in my throat. So precious. Full of gratitude for all the answered prayer for you all. Congratulations on your beautiful new daughter!

  5. Thank you for sharing your journey with us! Its just an amazing event and I'm grateful to have a little glimpse of what is happening. We're continuing to pray for everyone's transition and bonding.
