

Sunday, July 7, 2013


The firecracker has been home for 10 months today!

She is doing great & her language is coming along. She can say a lot of words in English, however, she does not understand much other than the day to day things that we say to her or ask her to do. But I am sure that will come in the next 6 months.

If you remember while we were in China Madison hated the pool and did not want anything to do with it! But now she is a little fish and has started swimming with her floaties. YAY!

(If you get my blog emailed to you, you will not be able to view this video unless you go to the blog directly, sorry not sure why but that just seems to be the way it works.)

David & I are still trying to learn the best way to parent Madison. The way we parent our bio kids just doesn't work so please pray with us as we are trying to still figure it all out. We are reading several books and have took a few online "classes" about parenting children that come from hard places.
The one thing that we keep hearing & reading over & over is to simplify your life. When we have busy days and go from one event to another she feels unsafe and while she may act OK at the events she shuts  down later at home. But all in all Madison seems to be adjusting well.

There has been some kind of miracle happening in our house this morning because McKinley & Madison have been playing together for well over an hour with no arguments or whining...Trust me when I say this is a MIRACLE!

We are heading out to Cape Coral for the next 10 days to have some family time (our first real vacation since we returned from China) and I am SO excited to get away from the day to day stuff. I will try to post a few times while we away it may only be pictures though.

Happy Sunday!

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