

Monday, July 8, 2013

Cape Coral Day 2

Well day 2 and we have done much of the same as yesterday so I realize that my pictures are going to get real boring very quick:) I think even my family back in Alabama will get tired of seeing the same pictures of the girls swimming & David fishing.Ha

There is a coconut tree in the yard which I love and one fell off so Morgan was determined to get it open so they could try the juice...lets just say they are very hard to crack and after an hour we all gave up.

Now after looking at these pictures below that may not have been my finest mommy moment, letting my 13 year old try to crack a coconut with a sharp knife, but let me assure you that all her fingers & toes are still intact.

I know sometimes when I read peoples blogs there life seems so perfect and there family seems happy all the time because that's all they show on their blog. Well I try to be a balance of happy and hard times so just in case you were thinking my kids always get along or never give me attitude, let me assure you that they are NOT perfect and neither am I.

Sometimes they have playful moments like this:

 and then there are moments like these:

Oh that McKinley, she can be sweet as sugar one moment and  mean as a snake the next:)

I just happen to have my camera in my hands both times tonight when i saw these shots I did not make them "re create" the moment:) I may or may not have done that a few times in the past.

In closing here is a picture of the bridge we can see from our back deck, I love sitting and watching the boats go by at night.

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