

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Dr visit today

Today was Madison's Dr appt. She did very well until they drew blood, her arms are so little they only could get 1 tube of blood (and they needed 4) so they had to poke her in the other arm as well. They could not take all the blood they needed so we have to wait 10 days & go back. I have a feeling that when we go back she will pitch a very big fit because she will know what's about to happen. That is Sept 25th at 9 so I welcome your prayers:) when she starts to cry over something she doesn't know how to calm herself down (and she will not let us hold/ touch her) so it just escalates into a full on tantrum which lasts for at minimum an hour. So she was still screaming 45 minutes after we had left the Dr office. Along with 2 more rounds of blood work she also has to have a EkG done. He prescribed her some meds for her Eczema and she has to take Zyrtec daily.

Tonight after dinner we thought we would let her play in the pool a while with McKinley to tire her out a little bit before bedtime. We were up again last night till 1am with another tantrum/ night terror. Please continue to pray that these stop and that she will start to sleep through the night. We are going on about 3 hours of sleep a night & it's making my already emotional state even worse. I ran into a church member at the Dr today & she came up & said "how are y'all doing "& I just started bawling.... That's just how I am these days so if you happen to see me in Walmart crying just ignore me :) I went to buy some groceries yesterday & cried off & on walking down the isle.

I will leave you with a few pictures of our little China doll having some fun!


  1. Melissa, I've wanted to leave you a comment so many times the past few weeks as we all have been blessed to follow your family's journey to Madison. Please know that you ALL are being covered in prayer!! We brought home our little guy in February so all the emotions that you were feeling in China and all the emotions you are feeling now are still soooo fresh for me as I read what you all are going through. Hang in there!! Time is what you all need...ugh...I don't say that flippantly. It's the hard truth. I know the exhaustion you all are feeling. It will get better. I promise!! These first couple of weeks will be the hardest but slowly you'll find you won't be crying as you walk the through the grocery store. :o) And slowly Madison will settle into her new life. I know this probably doesn't help but you all are doing everything right. Just keep on keepin' on. She does need structure and boundaries even though she's fighting against that. And she does need you to hold her when she's upset even though she fights against that too. It's emotionally exhausting...there's many of us out there that know where you are at. And we know just exactly how to pray for you all. Again....ugh....it just takes time. When we were in China, all that kept going through my mind was "What have we done????"...it was completely Satan (totally ticked that we were following through with our obedience to adopt) whispering in my ear about how much this was going to change our comfortable-stable-emotionally healthy-family. I voiced my fears (What Were We Thinking!!!) to my husband and he brought it all back into perspective. He said, What was our original intent with this...we have to go back to that original stirring that God placed in our hearts. It helped. It helped to block the whispers of the enemy. And it's helped many times since we got home.

    I read this today and thought of you..."So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised." Hebrews 10:35-36

  2. Melissa... We continue to cover you all in prayer. It WILL get better... Your emotions are normal and justified. Lean on you social worker for suggestions... Ours gave us so much help

  3. Melissa,

    I look forward to reading your blogs everyday to know how you guys are doing. We have you in our prayers daily. Stay positive, and know its okay to break down. I had my daily emotional breakdown when I brought Enzo home. Hang in there.
