

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Reflections: One Last Post from China!

I've been sitting here thinking about my time in China & how for most of it, I have kinda treated it Iike I do my DVR shows...Fast forwarding through the commercials, just wanting to skip to the end.  But now looking back, I know God had lessons in there for me each step of the way. I need to do better with that, really trying to find the "lesson" He is trying to teach me each day instead of having the "hurry up I just want to learn it & move on" attitude.

I know how I have felt these past 15 days being in a new country where no one speaks my language...the sights, smells & surroundings are all new. It made me uncomfortable, uneasy, and at times really sad. I know that is what Madison is about to feel. We are taking her away from everything that is familiar to her . She will no longer look like the people around her, she will no longer hear the language she speaks or hear the sounds she's used to hearing.  As happy as I am that I'm coming back to America, it makes me a little sad for Madison because her world is about to be in a tailspin. This is why we are going to introduce her to everyone slowly and at the pace we feel she can handle. I hope you all understand.  We appreciate your prayers so much, but for the first few weeks back I will be keeping her at home with me to get her used to her new home & to bond with her sisters.

Another adoptive mom said that her guide told her when she was getting on the plane... "Remember this is YOUR dream come true, NOT hers. She didn't ask for this, she didn't even really want this." And that is so true.  Madison hasn't been praying for a family from America. She was happy with her foster family here. So I am walking into this next chapter of our life with my eyes wide open to the lessons that my Father is trying to teach me.

Please pray for a safe flight back home and Madison does well on the 17 hrs of travel. Pray she sleeps a lot of that time.  :)

See you all soon!



  1. Deep. True. Heart-felt.
    Don't worry about all of us! We will continue to pray whether we are able to see Madison right away or not! You shared an a perspective that I would have never really thought about. "This is your dream come true..." Wow! It hurts to even think about that!

    But, while God is working on you there, your words may be speaking to someone here! So thanks for sharing your heart.
    As hard as it may or may not be, I am still really, really glad that you are on your way home!

  2. Ditto what Becky said! I have never thought about it that way. We will continue to be praying for all of you in the next few weeks, along with the Byrne family. Please keep updating for those of us not in FL;) And, RTR!!!

  3. so happy to have shared a portion of your journey. praying that you have a safe and uneventful flight home. God bless you all and love to Madison!

  4. Melissa... you are so wise!! I truly feel like Mei has bonded so well with us because I have been so protective of "our" time... I did not let anyone hold her or meet her needs (diapers, bottles, meals, comfort, etc.) other than Brian and myself... we have had her home for almost 10 months and she has never been left without one of us (I even stay in the nursery with her at church.) MeiLeigh is such a confident little girl - and she KNOWS she is loved. You will do the right thing for Madison... You will know when she is ready to meet your friends... and you will know just how to meet her needs. We will continue to pray for you all as you make the adjustment. We love you all and are so happy for you (and that beautiful sweetheart!!) Love on your big girls - and let Aunt Amanda have some Madison kisses! :)
